Is your marriage everything you expected it to be?
When I first got married as a bright-eyed, codependent recent college-grad, I thought saying the vows, moving in together and having sex would fix our problems.
I quickly learned that I was wrong. I also discovered that my marriage was very unhealthy in a variety of ways, and that my husband seemed fine with how things were, and I didn’t know where to turn. I was working in full-time ministry and he was a good man, it just seemed like we were missing out on the emotional, spiritual and relational connection I deeply desired and believed was possible in Christian marriage. Was it just me? I found myself asking “how much longer will I have to do this God? Will it ever change?”
Can you relate?
Years of feeling this pain resulted in a habit of praying for my husband daily that I still cling to today, even though my first husband passed away and I am now remarried to a man who connects with me in all the ways.
If you’re struggling with your marriage, you desire more for your relationship with your husband, or you want to invest in building a deeper, stronger bond with your man, I encourage you to try #prayingforyourhusbanddaily.
On this episode I share the resource that led me to start my video series, how I use it in my own marriage, and what you can and should pray for your husband.
And if you’re not yet married, I promise this habit will bring you closer to your future husband, so start now!
Listen now, and share this episode with a wifey or wanna-be wifey you know it could help.
If you haven’t heard the About Me series, start here!
I mentioned this blog post about #prayingforyourhusbanddaily.
Here is the book I recommended in the episode:
The Power of a Praying Wife
Check out the full series #prayingforyourhusbanddaily!
I mention my most recent video, about moving beyond the honeymoon phase.
I also suggest this one, about who is first in your marriage.
Word of the show:
esculent /ˈeskyələnt/
- fit to be eaten; edible.
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