I’m Julie. I’m a believer, a wife (and former widow), #boymom, daughter, friend and sharer.
Look past the lashes and lipstick, the leopard print and leggings and you’ll see a little girl who grew up questioning her worth. Abandonment issues. Constantly striving for approval. Looking for love in all the wrong places. I had confusion about faith, struggles with disordered eating and codependent relationships.
I married my college sweetheart who had a great heart, but also carried childhood wounds he refused to seek help and healing for. Our marriage had highs, but many, many lows. It seemed like I carried it all well, until I couldn't anymore.
After a decade of marriage (I used to be Julie Graham), most of which I spent working in full-time ministry, and becoming a mom, I started counseling and going to Recovery meetings at my church. It seems like something happens in your 30’s. It was time to get free of the wreckage of my past and present pain. Fearful yet steadfast, I initiated a short-term separation from my husband, begging him to get help and make serious changes. And he was doing it.
And then he died. Unexpectedly.
I was a widowed single mom with a three year old.
Thankfully, I had already begun my journey toward healing and wholeness, so although my world had been flipped upside down, I felt prepared. I heard God whisper to my heart “I’ve always been writing the story. Look to Me. Share how I’m in the midst of it. It’s not too much. You're not too much. I’ll use it all.”

Family, my community and even strangers rallied around me and Lincoln.
Time passed. We grew. We stretched. We grieved. And we figured out how to truly live.
Then, I met my soulmate. On
I FaceTimed him from my armpit and it was love at first sight.
We married a little over a year later. D comes with his own hard story, and together we hope to point it all back to God’s unwavering faithfulness. Together, we are following Jesus, raising Lincoln and seeing God’s hand in every part of it.
Today, I speak with boldness, sharing my life in hopes that others will find encouragement, hope, a laugh, and maybe even have a “yes, girl, me too” moment.
My journey proves that God is faithful, even when it seems like you’re forgotten or “too much”. He is still present and more powerful than we can imagine.
You might feel like you know me after just a short time. It’s how I’m wired. I’m a sharer. I’m extra and down to earth at the same time. No matter what, I try to stay positive.
I hope you find yourself emboldened to embrace your own story after being in my (online) presence.
puppet master
I have excellent puppet mechanics. I showcased them in my Bachelor video application (denied).
I am an Enneagram 8 and I’m an ESTP.
I played the trombone in my high school
marching band. I also used to be a clogger.
I participated in a bikini fitness competition. Once.
I became a Disney World fanatic after I was
a full-grown adult.
I hate that there aren't more occasions for an old school church potluck.
I make an epic mac n cheese.
caffeine, please
Coffee is my love language.
I speak fluent emoji and I have a hashtag for everything.
I like sparkly things, but not glitter. That stuff is out of control. Sequins preferred.
I hate wearing flats. Heels are my signature jam.
I feel most comfortable behind a mic or in front of a camera.
I met my husband on Match, FaceTimed him from my armpit and fell in love at first sight.