kind words

Somehow the universe had led me to your page years back and you had always stayed on my mind. My husband took his life and I am a 35 year old widow with 4 beautiful kiddos to care for. Thank you for sharing and being so transparent. I have so many feelings right now but I resonated with so much of what you said.I just wanted to reach out and thank you for sharing your journey. ❤️
I just want to say you are an amazing woman! I love your podcast and look forward to listening every week! Your story was truly amazing! Even though I may not be a widow, it truly touched me in many other ways. I still remember working with you 20 plus years ago, and you have grown into an inspirational woman!!
- MH
- DB
Even in your widowhood you are helping other women to become better wives. Blessed to call you a friend. ❤️❤️❤️
You live your life boldly in the open, even the hard parts ❤️ I’m encouraged by “praying for your husband daily”.
- MG
- JH
Girl! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 Just listened to your story on your podcast. It was so amazing and so reassuring to hear that GOD. IS. AT. WORK. IN. OUR. LIVES!!!!! You have really inspired me from the first time I heard you speak on Coffee & Kettlebells with Morgan Kline! I love following your fitness endeavor too! 👙 Thanks for being vulnerable and allowing God to use you and Paul even still.
I found you on Facebook and tuned it everyday for #prayingforyourhusbanddaily. I was in a rough place and you gave me hope! I reached out to see how I could continue to be a part of your uplifting spirit! I found you on YouTube and Instagram and have followed you ever since! I just listened to your story sobbing at my desk. I struggle with my faith - I struggle with being the best fiancé I can be - and Christian. You bring joy to so many days! Thank you for the example you set! Thank you for your vulnerability, for great podcasts, and being such a light to so many !!
- KC
- CP

I just can’t not tell you how wonderful I think you are. Just finished listening to your podcast about Paul and the process of letting him go. I am encouraged in many ways just to name a few:
trusting God more; #prayingforyourhusbanddaily (as like a real necessity not just sometimes); releasing control to the Father who holds all of the details so we don’t have to. Watching you “Soul Sis Do This” 💪🏽 is also super encouraging for me to remain faithful to my promises to myself regarding moving my body daily, choosing nutritious foods, etc. cheering you both on from afar 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻. Thank you again for sharing your story.
Your story brought me to tears. I found myself shaking my head “YES!” quite a few times. Dr. Zoe had said she had “stumbled” upon you with your #prayingforyourhusbanddaily videos and suggested I follow you. I started watching your videos and taking notes! I was in tears that I didn’t know to pray like this for him - it was a eureka moment for me. No one had ever really showed me what that looked like! I want to thank you for having the courage to share your prayers for your husband. It’s because of those prayers that kept me focused, and helped me to try be the best wife I could be for my husband as he struggled through his darkness. Thank you for showing me the way. You are a courageous, incredible woman. You’re doing great things and effecting many people.
- JR
- MC
Thanks for always sharing your story ❤️ . You don’t know how much #prayingforyourhusbanddaily and your podcast speaks to me & my relationship. God’s faithfulness in your life is so crystal clear & how you follow is just ❤️.
You’ve changed my own relationship with my husband because of your vulnerability and daily prayers. God uses you in major ways in even strangers lives. Forever blessed by you. Stay strong and faithful, it's a beautiful quality I admire and aspire to have. ♥️
- BL
- LG
JULIE. I. Am. Sobbing. For all the best reasons. Me too, sister, me too. Thank you so much for sharing. The validation. The authenticy. The proof of God’s endless love. It’s so real. And I needed to hear it now more than ever.
I wanted to thank you for sharing your story. I honestly just finished it and still wrecked and challenged and just all the things. Your #prayingforyourhusbanddaily was so powerful for me during my first year of marriage and I was so blessed by it. Thank you for sharing your story, a million times over, thank you!
- AP
- JV